Showing 12 Result(s)

Bahujan collectives cannot survive without trust and gratitude

Meshram Profile

  Tanoj Meshram I still remember the simplistic example I used to give to myself and others from my college days about “collective” tea-making (of course with milk and sugar as it is often consumed in India!) to underscore the point that underprivileged Bahujan students or people can survive and progress only by encouraging collectives. In my example, …


Affirmative action in workspaces – the tick box phenomenon

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  Dr. Sylvia Karpagam Large organizations working on human rights and development programs have a massive amount of resources and the luxury of separate departments for each aspect of administration and program implementation. These organisations are often proverbial ‘ivory towers’ that maintain strict overt and covert codes of gate-keeping that either allow a warm and …


Lessons from the Laxmanpur Bathe massacre

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Sylvia Karpagam The Laxmanpur Bathe case has been discussed and dissected by dalits, activists, academicians and experts. In the meantime, for the intended audience of these discussions, dalit rapes, massacres and violations are as significant (or insignificant) as what the cat brought in that day. The Brahmin scholar aka academician, after hearing about the acquittal …