Showing 2 Result(s)

The Buddhist claim on Ayodhya

nishad wankhade

  Nishad Wankhade Ayodhya has again become a hot topic with the recent archaeological findings at the site. The Supreme Court last year ordered the handing over of the disputed site to a trust to be formed by the government. The government promptly formed the trust, which started the preparations soon. Carvings on sandstone, pillars, …


Remembering Sir Alexander Cunnigham

alex cunningham

  Nishad Wankhade There comes many names to our mind when we talk about Buddhist revival in India, but Sir Alexander Cunningham isn’t one of them. He was instrumental in discovering and restoring major Buddhist sites including Sarnath, Sanchi, Kushinagar, Taxila and Mahabodhi Vihar. Sir Alexander Cunningham Sir ALexander Cunningham was an engineer in the British army, born on …