Showing 44 Result(s)

Our Father gave us the right to education which your forefathers denied us

manoj and reena

Manoj Meshram & Reena Dongre Songs have been a part of cultural existence not only for entertainment but also to express devotion to nature and gods and goddesses since time immemorial. Even as modern societies moved towards more influential media humans still find inspiration, motivation, entertainment and love through songs. Many songs, like the ones …


Ideological Convolution of Ambedkar Students’ Association at TISS, Mumbai.

tiss ongoing protest

Sheetal Kamble In the universities across India, the social-psychologically awakened youth have established students’ associations carrying forth Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar’s vision. Due to their epistemic activism on campuses, pursuing social justice for backward classes, women, minorities has become easier. These organizations have been a comprehensive support system for the vulnerable students and also their political …


Transformative Politics for Dalit Women

AIDMAM poster-pro20171202-20171203a

  Asha Kowtal Transformative Politics for Dalit Women grounded in fierce resilience and compassionate sisterhood. More than a week after the conference, I begin to write, still feeling overwhelmed and dazed coupled with a strange sense of loneliness experienced after loved ones have left home. The #dalitwomenspeakout conference 2017 brought my sisters and friends from …


भारत में महिला राजनीति पर जातिवाद का कितना प्रभाव

sweta yadav

  Sweta Yadav  भारत विभिन्ताओं का देश है| तरह-तरह की बोलियाँ अलग-अलग संस्कृतियाँ, जाति, धर्म सम्प्रदाय में बंटा हुआ देश | जिसके बारे में किसी ने सही ही कहा है “कोस -कोस पर बदले पानी चार कोस पर वाणी|” जाति भारत का वास्तविक सच है जिसे अनदेखा करके भारत की कल्पना बेमानी है| भारत में …