Showing 5 Result(s)

Caste and Urban Marginalization: Exploring the Dynamics through the Lens of ‘Kaala’

Ajinkya Sanjay Khandizod Urbanization and Slum Growth Urbanization has exploded in Indian metropolises over the last few decades. The urbanization degree worldwide is around 57%, whereas in India, it is 34%. According to the U.N. report on World Urbanization Prospects 2018, cities’ population will double by 2050. Between 2014-2018, the slum percentage increased from 23% …


Why and How the Government Fails to Remove Caste-Based Manual Scavenging in India!

ajay rahulwad

Ajay Rahulwad Introduction Manual scavenging is a caste-ridden occupation done by manual scavengers, workers who clean human excreta manually, meaning, with hands. If one would want to understand why these workers have to do this job, one has to look at its genesis in the caste-based occupational stratification in India. It is said that, “All …


Preliminary Report: National Tribunal – Violence Against Dalit Women

tribunal banner

  National Tribunal – Violence Against Dalit Women Introduction  “Hindu Society as such does not exist. It is only a collection of castes. Each caste is conscious of its existence. Its survival is the be-all and end-all of its existence.” Babasaheb Ambedkar, Annihilation of Caste, 1937. A caste society is inherently violent in nature and this …