Showing 64 Result(s)

Reservation and the Creamy Layer Principle – Solving the Puzzle

sthabir khora 1

  Sthabir Khora The issue of creamy layer among SC/ST has finally reached the Supreme Court ( There is no escape from debating this issue now. Social issues always have more than one side. The issue of creamy layer has already been discussed by a few – against creamy layer (Chaudhury, 2004; Srinivas, 2007; Sundaram, …


What’s caste? What’s reservation?

Vonay BCP1

  Vinay Shende Every few days, there are news and reports that come out telling us that SC/ST/OBC students committed suicide or dropped-out from College/ University due to Caste discrimination. Many of the students may not have a complete knowledge or awareness of issues like Caste/Reservation. Many students hear of taunts of Reservation right from …


यूजीसी के इस फैसले से बदल जाएगा भारत में उच्च शिक्षा का परिदृश्य

syam phd

  अरविंद कुमार और दिलीप मंडल ‘नीयत’ यानी इंटेंशन अगर सही नहीं हो तो भारतीय दर्शन परंपरा में महिमामंडित ‘न्याय’ और ‘नीति’ का समागम भी समतामूलक आदर्श समाज की संरचना नहीं कर सकता।  विश्वविद्यालय अनुदान आयोग ने ‘राष्ट्रीय पात्रता परीक्षा (नेट)’ में एससी, एसटी, ओबीसी व विकलांग वर्ग को दिये जाने वाले आरक्षण के नियम में भारी बदलाव किया …


बाबासाहिब की विरासत

lalit kumar

  ललित कुमार (Lalit Kumar) भारत रत्न डा. भीमराव अम्बेडकर का एक प्रसिद्ध कथन है जिस तरह मनुष्य नश्वर हैं. उसी तरह विचार भी नश्वर हैं. एक विचार को प्रचार-प्रसार की ज़रुरत होती है, जैसे कि एक पौधे को पानी की. नहीं तो दोनों मुरझा कर मर जाते हैं.ये इस देश की और खास कर …


Understanding the Intersections of Gender and Caste Discrimination in India

kamna sagar 2

  Kamna Sagar The caste framework in India has stood out as the biggest element of social stratifications. Caste, class, and gender are indistinguishably associated, they speak with and overlap each other. Numerous parts of the human condition are profoundly influenced by the stratified examples of the rank framework. Alongside Gender stratifications that characterize numerous …


Are Reservations Caste Based?

hariram a 1

  Hariram A Indian history is a history of bigotry, it is filled with the loads of lies and misinterpretations. These lies have become the base for the exploitation of millions of indigenous communities in this country. But, many great souls fought against the system which was created by these bigotries, and were successful in …


Havells’ Ad: Another instance of Stereotyping of Reservations Policy in Media

amar khade

  Amar Khade  The offensive Havells Fan television commerical has been removed from Youtube and the company’s Facebook page, and also apparently from television, thanks to the vociferous opposition expressed by Ambedkarites and others. Congratulations friends! But the structures of prejudice that gave birth to it need to be constantly critiqued, as this article does …