Showing 89 Result(s)

Reevaluating ‘ST’ Status: A Tani Christian’s Reflection on Identity and Cultural Preservation in Arunachal Pradesh

Minkeng (Lùhng) In what was once the peaceful state of Arunachal, the land where the sun first smiles, there has been a systematic attempt, by certain fringe elements to divide the Tani Community- be it creating hatred among Nyisis, Galos, Tagins or Adis, but also creating an atmosphere of hatred based on religiouns. This is …


Everything is in a Name: RSSisation of Criminal Justice

Bobby Kunhu “Every empire, however, tells itself and the world that it is unlike all other empires, that its mission is not to plunder and control but to educate and liberate.” – Edward Said Colonization is one amongst the convenient pet peeves of Savarnas across ideological spectrum – from communists to Shashi Tharoor to the RSS, …


Searching For Civility In Civil Lines

Payal Karwade “The effect of caste on the ethics of the Hindus is simply deplorable. Caste has killed public spirit. Caste has destroyed the sense of public charity. Caste has made public opinion impossible. A Hindu’s public is his caste. His responsibility is only to his caste.” (Ambedkar 1936). The article attempts to highlight genuine …


RSS: the shadow and the deeper undercurrent of the cultural counter-revolution

bhushan amol darkase 2

Dr. Bhushan Amol Darkase  For the Veda is tainted by three faults of untruth, self-contradiction, and tautology. ~ Charvaka[1]  The 2022 calendar published by IIT Kharagpur with the theme of ‘Indian Knowledge Systems’ acknowledged on its front page in the first line- ‘Recognition of the secret of the Vedas.’ [2] This fetish for the revival …


Moral Right to Labour

pralay nagrale

Pralay Nagrale The recent mobilization of the Valmiki community all over India was important in fighting for justice for the 19 year old girl of Bulgaddhi village of district Hathras, because till now, the protests of the Valmiki community used to be on local levels, mostly. But this resistance did not happen suddenly. It was …


The Misnomer Called Riot


  Bobby Kunhu “It is the nature of physics to hear the loudest of mouths over the most comprehensive ones.” ― Criss Jami, Killosophy In discussions relating to identity in South Asia – when the obviously relevant argument that it is only the privileged that can claim an identity devoid of religion and caste is …


Can you unlove your stars?

superstars etc

  Amarnath Sandipamu  Please read the previous part of this article here. Manufacturing a star A film is a cultural product that takes shape through the labours of over 24 departments popularly referred to as the ‘24 crafts’ if not more. All the junior artists, side dancers, lightmen, camera assistants, drivers, sanitation professionals, electricians, cooks …