Showing 4 Result(s)

Myth making in India: The story of Teachers’ Day

amar khade

  Amar Khade Teachers’ Day is celebrated across many Nations to pay respect and appreciate the works done by Teachers in shaping the next generation citizens. Different Nations celebrate Teachers’ Day in accordance with their local socio-politico-cultural setup. International Teachers’ Day is celebrated on 5th October every year. Nearly 100 countries with Membership with UNESCO …


Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan: The teacher who stole from his student’s thesis

1 Prof. Jadunath Sinha

  The famous case of literary piracy (plagiarism) against Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan for stealing from a student’s thesis Utpal Aich In January 1929, one Jadunath Sinha, then a little known young Lecturer of Philosophy in the Meerut College, having a brilliant academic track record, created a sensation in the literary world by accusing Dr. Radhakrishnan …


The roots of rape in India

kancha ilaiah

  Kancha Ilaiah Rape has, of late, become an acute disease in the Indian society. Prima facie, this is a problem arising out of a mental disorder, but there is also a larger cultural context that, to an extent, explains how the Indian male became so brutal. Our cultural upbringing conditions male minds to behave …