Showing 4 Result(s)

Socio-economic Overview of Dalits in India

Manish Kumar Rao Keywords- Dalits, Post-Independence, Covid-19, Social Status, Political Status and Economic Status  Dalits, also known as ‘untouchables’ in India have been a topic of concern and criticism for many years. Despite India’s independence from British rule in 1947, Dalits still face discrimination and poverty in their daily lives. This article will examine the …


Ambedkar’s way & Anna Hazare’s methods

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By Sukhdeo Thorat Following Dr. Ambedkar’s example, Team Anna should use constitutional methods and enhance people’s faith in them. Otherwise it will convey the message that only coercive and unconstitutional methods work. A group of people, with placards showing Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, staged a demonstration in Delhi a few days ago against Anna Hazare’s proposals …