Showing 21 Result(s)

Documented Caste Violence on Barbers and its Invisibility in OBC Politics

Suvendu Barik 1. Caste violence on barbers A default understanding of the social position of barbers in the Shudra hierarchy is of holding them accountable for denying haircuts to Schedule Caste communities. While barbers are considered low-caste, they hold onto various casteist norms and simultaneously are minutely regulated by oppressor castes (and feudal, landed communities) …


Why and How the Government Fails to Remove Caste-Based Manual Scavenging in India!

ajay rahulwad

Ajay Rahulwad Introduction Manual scavenging is a caste-ridden occupation done by manual scavengers, workers who clean human excreta manually, meaning, with hands. If one would want to understand why these workers have to do this job, one has to look at its genesis in the caste-based occupational stratification in India. It is said that, “All …


मैं परस्पर सम्मान या जन सम्मान की राजनीति के पक्ष में हूँ: अशोक भारती


  संजय जोठे (Sanjay Jothe) अशोक भारती, संक्षिप्त परिचय: अशोक भारती नेशनल कन्फेडरेशन ऑफ़ दलित एंड आदिवासी राइट्स (NACDOR) के संस्थापक हैं और इस संस्था के माध्यम से भारत के 23 राज्यों में दलित आदिवासी अधिकार की लड़ाई लड़ते रहे हैं. श्री भारती अशोका फेलो भी हैं. एक आइईएस अधिकारी रह चुके श्री भारती ने …