Pranav Jeevan P There is a popular myth that technology is neutral, but in reality, technology reinforces the hierarchical and exploitative power relations of the societies that create and use it. Throughout history, technological advancements have been deeply intertwined with acts of genocide, apartheid, and the exploitation of people. From the colonial era, where technological …
Can an ‘encounter’ deliver justice in a democratic state?
Sheetal Dinkar Asha Kamble The last 12 years’ experience of working on the issue of violence against women gave me the insight to deeply understand gender and caste politics. From 2007 to 2011, I worked with Maharashtra police on the issue of violence against women. I was placed at the Special Cell for Women and …
Fighting for a dog’s life
Dr. Sylvia Karpagam Animals in the domestic animal kingdom were going through an economic crisis that was putting their very survival at risk. There was just not enough food to go around, water was scarce and contaminated, the air was polluted and leading to health problems, children were just not getting what they deserved. …