Showing 4 Result(s)

Are IITs safe for Dalit Students?

Aniket Ambhore

The Ambedkar Periyar Phule Study Circle (APPSC), IIT Bombay Aniket Ambhore, a student of electrical engineering, had fallen to his death from the sixth floor of hostel 13 on September 4, 2014. An SC student, he was alleged to have committed suicide. After his parents wrote to the IIT director, a three-member committee was set …


Why and How the Government Fails to Remove Caste-Based Manual Scavenging in India!

ajay rahulwad

Ajay Rahulwad Introduction Manual scavenging is a caste-ridden occupation done by manual scavengers, workers who clean human excreta manually, meaning, with hands. If one would want to understand why these workers have to do this job, one has to look at its genesis in the caste-based occupational stratification in India. It is said that, “All …


The ugly truth

kancha ilaiah

  Kancha Ilaiah ‘You labelled the SC/ST/OBCs as corrupt to equalise them with upper castes who are not merely corrupt but also exploit ‘ Dear Ashis Nandy, On the question of corruption — how to deploy that concept, and which section of the Indian society (not of the state) deserves to be deployed — it …