Showing 7 Result(s)

The Many forms of Brahmin Self fashioning: Victimhood, Superiority and Negations

Sumeet Samos Introduction During a conversation with a friend recently, he suggested I check out the Gates Cambridge Scholarships. Casually, I checked into LinkedIn, and immediately three to four names popped up: one Tamil Brahmin and the other three Bengali Brahmins. We smiled at each other and said, “Of course, who else?” without being surprised …


Dalit Visions for the future: Where do we go from here?

Sumeet Samos Hundred years ago, to walk on many public streets would have been unimaginable for Dalits in this country; to drink water from public sources would have been met with physical violence; and to sit near caste Hindu students in a public school would have been opposed publicly. These were the established norms of …


Being Dalit, Being Christian: The dilemmas of carrying these identities

Sumeet Samos Growing up in a small village in South Odisha in a Christian family, there were regular prayer meetings in our house and Sunday services in a nearby church, and my parents would always emphasize the teachings of the Bible and ask us to remember the verses from the Bible for our everyday lives. …


‘The pain is ours, the leadership should be ours’: Rahul Sonpimple on battle against right wing

rahul at sio

  Rahul Sonpimple (This is the text of his speech on the theme ‘Undoing the Dominant Narrative’ delivered at the SIO national conference on February 23rd, 2018. It was transcribed by Sumeet Samos) Jai Bhim to all the participants, friends, elders, women and student representatives on behalf of my organization BAPSA. Tonight, I speak here not …