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Caste in Muslim Theology

Caste in Muslim Theologies

  Lecture organized by Pasmanda Students in collaboration with Syahi Literary Society, Students Union, on 27 January 2018 At Library Conference Hall, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai Caste in Muslim Theology by Masood Alam Falahi  Professor, Department of Arabic,Khwaja Moinuddin ChishtiUrdu, Arabi-Farsi University,Lucknow   Islam is an egalitarian religion. It does not believe in …


Towards a Goan theology


  Dale Luis Menezes Robert Eric Frykenberg’s book Christianity in India: From the Beginnings to the Present, opens by dwelling on the intrinsic nature of the Gospel. He says that evangelization was not optional even in the earliest times and thus, “The Good News…possessed qualities that were also intrinsically disruptive and revolutionary.” Frykenberg asserts that …