Showing 6 Result(s)

The castelessness of India’s health policy

preshit ambade

  Preshit Ambade India Needs to Change its Health Policy Discourse to Understand Dalit Agitation Systemic deprivation of Dalits and other communities of social resources has resulted in substantial health disparities. India’s health policies are blissfully ignorant towards socioeconomic conditions of the Dalits and other backward communities, and its relation to their overall health status. …


Dalit Global Conference in US

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  Dalit Global Conference in US Advocates End to Caste-based Discrimination Affecting Estimated 280 Million Individuals Worldwide Advocates for Dalit rights are expanding their movement to establish justice, dignity, and equality with an historic global conference occurring in Washington, D.C., March 19-21. Several notable activists and thought leaders in the realm of human rights, including …


The Dalit Diaspora in the US and the Struggle against Caste Discrimination: A Report

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  Harish S. Wankhede The International Commission for Dalit Rights (ICDR) has organized the “Global March against Caste Discrimination” in Washington DC on the 21st June 2014. In solidarity with the march, many community organizations, American Dalits and anti-caste social activists took independent initiatives and joined the march in New York, San Francisco and Los …


An Egyptian evolution

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Kancha Ilaiah (First published in February 2011) The Egyptian revolution, perhaps, would be to the Islamic world what the French Revolution was to the Christian world. The Western intellectual predilection that the Islamic world is trapped in feudal Islamic dictatorships is likely to be disproved with this revolution. In fact, Western thinkers forget that the …