Showing 2 Result(s)

To speak of Migrant workers is to speak of Politics today

vishal V

Vishal Verma The politics in India which has continuously been called ‘democractic’ has sustained for more than 70 years. With riots and uprisings[i] having  been an  intrinsic part of it. Where the former,  has always been advantageous for Indian democracy to consolidate its power through the mediation of an institutionally    centralised state form. The latter, …


University as a Subject to Truth-process

vishal V

 Vishal Verma                                                                      The word ‘university’ is derived from the Latin universitas magistrorum et scholarium,(Latin: universtas, ‘a whole’) which roughly means ‘community of teachers and scholars’. The term ‘university’ was first used in the 14th century. But, as we know from history, there existed well-established universities much before the 14th century, including Nalanda University. Certainly, …