Round Table India
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The ‘as though’ folks

The ‘as though’ folks

In India, we have the oppressor caste folks

Whose language is a bit hard to understand

Let us configure this language

In a way that makes sense.


This is the language of the ‘As though’


Oppressor caste folks act as though they care

As though they understand vulnerabilities very well.

As though they themselves are that….. vulnerable.

And therefore know enough

To talk and write and pontificate.

And write books and reams of jargonic literature.


As though vulnerability is their grandma’s legacy.

Their curd rice eating

And untouchability practicing grandma.

And grandpa

And great grandma


As though they change when they change their religion

Or their geography

Or their language

Or their gender

Or their job


As though their oppressor caste mantle is a dusty coat

That they can place on a hook

Till the next family function

As though their ceremonies are just a ‘family thing’

which they are not really a part of.

As though their language can be changed at will

Like their food

From impure to pure, sanitised to dirty

As though its entirely their choice

To shift from one to another.

As though they are cool because they nibble on beef

Hiding from their ancestors

While pretending to eat curd rice and gojju


As though their exaggerated kajals

And short hair and tattooed arms

And pierced looks

Their supposedly fiery speeches

And innocent ignorances

Are only them being sensitive

And that these are not new markers of their

Obnoxious caste alignments


As though their cute voices and muted whisperings

Are proof of their sensibilities

And sensitivities

And their tiptoeing is just them being aware

While being loud.

Loud in their unspoken privilege

That sits on their heads like a permanent

And undeserved

And unearned


While they make exaggerated pretensions  of muting their wealth

And privilege

Under the garb of humility

While their sons and daughters have assured jobs and incomes


As though….


Dr. Sylvia Karpagam is a public health doctor and researcher who works on the social determinants of health, specifically caste and nutrition.

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