Round Table India
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Woman – a Caste



When I transfer food from

my plate to our house help’s,

I ask him to place his

plate on the floor. My

upper-caste father says our women

must not hand anything to

lower-caste men, fearing our

skins might ignite sparks

in our minds and genitals.



A few months ago, my

hands trembled as I served

my father halwa. He was

shouting at my mother for

not making it like his

mother used to. His mother

was shouted at by my

grandfather for not making it

like his mother did. His

voice made my grip falter,

and the bowl slipped

from my hands. He yelled at

me for an eternity. Since then,

I stopped serving him food.

Even his water bottles, I leave

on the ground and walk away.


Kshipra is a Political Science postgraduate and writer with a passion for exploring the intersection of politics, literature, and society.

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