Genesis Chapter One
P. Dayanandan
By the well of Jacob
There I sat down and wept
Next to the man who asked for water
“Tell me, Cousin Jesus
Neither a pariah in the beginning nor in caste
How did I become one half-way through?
And you still remain a Jew?”
He bent down and wrote something
On that despised Samarian sand
Look! He could read my mind
I remain illiterate
I sat down and wept
The well filled, overflowed with living water!
Joy to the World
By the side of the manger, there I was
When three men from the East arrived
Late to worship my darling
The star took them to murderous Herod
The pundits got it wrong.
“Tell me, Cousin Jesus
Are you the Son of God?
Are David, Moses, Abraham, Adam
your ancestors?
Where did I come from?
From the mouth, arms, thighs?
They say I am not fit
to be born even from the feet.”
I saw the star twinkle in his eyes as he winked
And said: We have bypassed the primeval purusha
Who needs Adam or the sons of Noah
We both are miracle babies!
I gathered all the angels and shepherds
For a cosmic dance of peace and goodwill
Joy to the world
I am the Daughter of God!
Dr. Paulraj Dayanandan shared these two poems as Christmas greetings.
Dr. P. Dayanandan retired as a professor and chairman of botany after teaching for 38 years in the US. His interests range from all aspects of botany to Pallava art history, Tamil literature, Dalit issues, education, space biology and spending time with young people to explore social consequences of oppression and empowering them to pursue studies in India and abroad. Ten years ago he helped organize a student and youth group called 'THUDI' involved in educating, agitating and organizing.
Tags: P. Dayanandan