A body is unclean, they say, only the soul is untainted.
But the impurity of the body is born with the body.
By which rule has a body become pure?
Not a creature in this world has been born
except in a gory womb.
This is the glory of God: defilement exists within.
The body is polluted from within.
Be sure of it, says the Mahari of Choka.
Soyarabai, was the wife of the Mahar saint Chokhamela. She was a poet and belonged to the Varkari movement of Maharashtra during 13th-14th century. This movement was open to all castes and women, married or unmarried.. This abhanga is numbered 6 in the text and it is one of the 62 abhangas written by Soyrabai that has survived; in it "she clearly protests the very basis of untouchability, pollution, in explicit and moving terms."
Source: Untouchable Saints An Indian Phenomenon, ed. Eleanor Zelliot & Rohini Mokashi-Punekar